In our practice, taping for hay fever complaints is successfully applied.
About 20% of the Dutch population suffer from hay fever complaints. Often these complaints begin in the spring through the pollen of trees, grasses and plants. The human body automatically forms antibodies against pollen, but in someone who suffers from hay fever the body responds very violently. The defense mechanism reacts strongly, causing the mucous membranes to produce a lot more mucus, causing a series of complaints such as a runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose, burning or tear eyes. Even fatigue and fever are often heard problems. It sometimes happens that people suffer from hay fever throughout the year.
Within the Medical Taping Concept there is a tapering application that can greatly reduce hay fever complaints or even cause someone to go through the season in a complaint-free manner. The results are spectacular and it is a missed opportunity not to apply this tape method to someone with hay fever.
How does it work?
Just as a connective tissue massage can exert influence on segmental relationships within the body, treatment with CureTape® also has an effect on the segmental structures with the advantage that taping is a 24-hour treatment method.
The treatment method for taping in COPD and hay fever patients are similar because both the elaboration of the tape, via the segmental relation of the skin over which the tape is applied, with the pleurae, bronchi and lungs. In practice, this amounts to a tape in the form of an X on the upper back (hay fever) and possibly two inverted V-tapes from the shoulders to the sternum (COPD).
After taping once, there is an after-effect for a shorter or longer period (several weeks). In the case of chronic complaints, the tape can be reset. COPD patients indicate that they have more lung capacity and that they need less medication.
We are happy to help you, make an appointment or contact us without obligation