Medical Taping

Medical Taping

The basis of the Medical Taping Concept was laid in Japan and Korea in the seventies. In this period, tapemethodes with elastic tape were developed that took the movement theory (kinesiology) and the knowledge about muscle activity in the human body as the starting point. The founders of Medical Taping were aware that movement and muscle activity are indispensable factors in the healing and prevention of physical problems.

The underlying idea here is that muscles not only influence the movements of the body, but also influence the circulatory system, the lymphatic system and the body temperature. If the muscles do not work properly, this can result in various complaints and symptoms. However, if the malfunctioning muscles are supported with this special elastic tape, this will stimulate the self-healing ability of the body.

When the concept was further developed, it quickly became clear that the treatment techniques are so versatile that besides the treatment of muscles there are also many other application areas. New techniques and additions followed each other in quick succession. This resulted in new treatment methods, such as "Medical Taping", "Lymf Taping", "Meridian Taping" and "Cross Taping". All these methods were then brought together in the Medical Taping Concept.

The Medical Taping Concept is now known worldwide and is being used by various types of professional health care practitioners. The underlying concepts of the Medical Taping Concept are:
  • The CureTape® influences the neurological and circulatory system of the body and supports the body's own healing processes;
  • It works according to the principles of kinesiology;
  • It supports the muscular system.

After all, the venous system, the lymph system and also the body temperature, depend on a properly functioning muscle device. In contrast to the conventional tape method, which often has the object of effecting a limitation of the joints with non-stretchable material, this tape method achieves an "increase of mobility" by means of function improvement.

The principle is: Activate instead of fixation while maintaining the full functionality of the muscles.
Medical taping for hay fever

Do you suffer from hay fever? Try medical taping! 
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